Friday, April 30, 2010

New Plan

One thing I try to do, but that can be pretty difficult, is planning one week of meals at a time. John keep suggesting that I just make the same 7 things each week, so I don't have to think about it. Maybe the kids would eventually eat those 7 meals without complaint??? I'm not going to try it, though. I like to eat different things, and to try new recipes. So instead, I'm doing something similar to what I was taught in Marie Ricks' House of Order class about 7 years ago. I have assigned each night of the week a different "theme." This is how we are organized right now, along with some ideas for each "theme."

Monday - Pasta
Tuesday - Pizza
Wednesday - Mexican
Thursday - Casserole
Friday - Soup and/or Sandwiches
Saturday - Burritos
Sunday - Meat

The kids are pretty excited about it, and although I still have to plan, this helps to narrow things down for me.

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