Saturday, March 24, 2012

Buffalo or Bust

Friday - date for John and me (Terra Mia), frozen pizza for the kids
Saturday - Taco Time style bean burritos, tomatoes, avocado, chips, salsa
Sunday - (by my Mom) chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, french bread, fruit and veggies
Monday - kalua pork, sticky rice, rolls, salad, fruit
Tuesday - Hawaiian Pizza
Wednesday - Hawaiian Haystacks
 I am leaving for Buffalo on Thursday, so the rest of the menu is approximate. John will pick and choose what and when to feed the kids.
Thursday - frozen pizza
Friday - hot dogs
Saturday - eating out
Sunday - chicken quesadillas
Monday - frozen burritos/taquitos
Tuesday - hopefully something that I don't have to cook when I get home :)

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