Thursday, March 12, 2015


Friday - (knowledge bowl/birthday party x 2) pizza for the party
Saturday - (dinner out after a full day of chaos) easy for the kids
Sunday - (church) homemade pizza, salad, fruit
Monday - (play practice x 2/FHE) spaghetti and meatballs, broccoli, fruit
Tuesday - (dance/NO knowledge bowl!/battle of the books) black bean tostadas (black beans in the crock pot, toppings prepared before dance), lettuce, tomato, cheese, sour cream, salsa, olives
Wednesday - (Cubs/scouts/play practice) slow cooker chili chicken casserole
Thursday - (battle of the books/play treats/Bentley teeth pulled) pork and beans with hot dogs, brown bread, fruit. carrots
Friday - (dance - drive/Mindy/painting?) crock pot potato soup, bacon, bread

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