Friday, October 16, 2015

Looking back and ahead

(October 11) Sunday - beef enchiladas (from Mom)
Monday - fettuccine alfredo, chicken, salad
Tuesday - tomato basil soup, grilled cheese sandwiches
Wednesday - chili and corn bread
Thursday - out for the parents, Little Caesar's for the kids
Friday - kielbasa skillet dinner, broccoli, fruit
Saturday - enchilada skillet meal (no chicken),
Sunday - slow cooker french dip sandwiches
Monday - pasta with tomato cream sauce, salad, fruit leftover french dip
Tuesday - Hawaiian Haystacks pasta with tomato cream sauce, broccoli, peaches, apple pie for John
Wednesday - (cubs, dance, Webelos, YM) classic beef and tomato macaroni soup chicken patties sandwiches, broccoli and carrots
Thursday - breakfast pizzas, fruit  chicken pot pie, fruit
Friday -homemade pizza? breakfast pizzas, fruit

Make these pumpkin cookies!!!

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