Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Birthday and Thanksgiving

Friday - (Abi's Wedding) Open-faced enchilada quesadillas (with beans, corn, onions?, olives)
Saturday - (out with John) something easy for the kids
Sunday - (Scout Committee Meeting) French Dip Sandwiches, french fries, fruit, salad, dessert?
Monday - (Ruby's play/tumbling) homemade pizza (trying this again), salad
Tuesday - Skillet Swedish Meatballs, mashed potatoes, broccoli, fruit
Wednesday - (no scouts! no school!) lasagna soup, french bread
Thursday - Thanksgiving
                  Breakfast - scones (set rhodes dough out the night before?) scrambled eggs
                  Lunch - leftovers/sandwiches
                  Dinner - slow cooker turkey, pretzel and sausage stuffing, creamy confetti corn,                                                 homemade jello
Friday - leftover Thanksgiving dinner

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