Friday, February 24, 2017

Marching On

Friday - (camp out, play, knowledge bowl, fashion show) baked chili cheese dogs (in tinfoil for the campers)
Saturday - (Max SCERA shift, play workshops) easy or out or breakfast burritos
Sunday - (Priesthood Preview, dinner with friends?) frozen lasagna as backup
Monday - (FHE, basketball, play x2, piano) chicken cheddar chowderbreadsticks, fruit, carrots
Tuesday - (play x2, dance, RS mtg) frittata, hashbrowns, fruit, OJ
Wednesday - (Scouts, play, YM, knowledge bowl) chiliquiles
Thursday - (play x2, dance, Bentley SCERA shift) crockpot steak and gravy, mashed potatoes, fruit, carrots
Friday - (play, Blue and Gold Banquet, knowledge bowl) Dinner at the Blue and Gold - chili, cornbread, salad, cookies

chicken in basil cream sauce

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