Thursday, July 12, 2018

Scout Camp

Friday - (Max at the Shell, 4th Wall Performance, Mindy) pizza at the park?
Saturday - (Mindy and the Parents, Max at the Shell, Jonah and Ruby to Beauty and the Beast) hoagies
Sunday - (Ward Council) French Dip Sandwiches, potato chips, fruit salad
Monday - (Jonah at Scout Camp, FHE, Max at the Shell) BLT pasta salad, fruit
Tuesday - (Jonah at Scout Camp, Max at the Shell) cornbread waffles and chili
Wednesday - (Jonah at Scout Camp, Max at the Shell) Caprese pasta salad
Thursday - (Jonah at Scout Camp, Max at the Shell) chicken salad sandwiches/egg salad sandwiches
Friday - (Jonah at Scout Camp, Max at the Shell) date night?

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