Thursday, March 11, 2021

16 Candles and a Driver's License

Friday - (Jonah's Birthday) Sweeto Takout, nutella filled cookies

Saturday - (SCERA) ham fried rice, orange chicken

Sunday -  sweet pork burritos, lettuce, tomato, avocado, green ranch

Monday - (no school, voice)  alfredo stuffed shells, broccoli, fruit

Tuesday - (tumbling, voice) homemade pizza, salad, fruit

Wednesday - (St. Patrick's Day) smoked sausage soup with potatoes, homemade bread

Thursday - quinoa patties, steamed carrots and broccoli, fruit

Friday - (date night) easy/out

taco - sweet pork burritos, lettuce, tomato, avocado, green ranch

pasta - alfredo stuffed shells, broccoli, fruit

Asian - 

soup/salad - smoked sausage soup with potatoes

easy - ham fried rice, orange chicken

breakfast - 

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