Thursday, August 11, 2022

Back At It

Friday - (Shell) egg salad sandwiches, carrot sticks, fruit
Saturday - (SCERA, Shell) easy/out
Sunday - sloppy joes, buns, potato chips and dip, fruit, carrot sticks
Monday - (VISA, dentist, OHS open house, soccer) pupusas (costco), curtido, fruit 
Tuesday - (Soph. day, Centennial open house, reception - B's friend) Indian Butter Chicken, rice, naan, fruit
Wednesday - (school, YM) hoagies, chips (or leftovers)
Thursday - (voice) Spring Rolls, ramen, fruit (make ahead and fry after voice)
Friday - (doctor, OHS dance, St. George?)
(Saturday - St. George, soccer, Shell concert, SCERA, Stake Conference)

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